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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Benefits Of Consuming Broccoli

Broccoli contains isothiocynates, sulphoraphane, indole-ecarbinol, fiber and lutein. Isothiocynates and sulphoraphane useful to prevent cancer and Indole-ecarbinol useful to prevent breast cancer cells, so broccoli are very important for woman.

Research in Holland tell that if we often to consume broccoli, we can get some benefits, they're:
1. can prevent intestines cancer
2. can prevent stomach cancer
3. can prevent prostate cancer

Lutein and fiber in broccoli can detoxify body from oil and cholesterol. Beside that broccoli is rich of vitamin K, C, and beta carotene. We can consume brokoli by mix it to capcay food, nugget and soup. Baked potato chesse contains chesse, potato and broccoli. Broccoli more useful if we consume it on unripe condition with mayonaise and sauce.

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