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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tips For Whitening Teeth

The causes that make teeth color can change are :

1. Age
More long people live, it means they have been eating more foods. More foods that people consume make teeth color automatically change to yellow color.

2. Eating Habit
If people eat foods and drinks that have color,it can make teeth color change too.

3. Cigarette
Cigarette has contain nicotine. Nicotine can make white teeth change to brown or yellow.

Teeth Whitening Technology

There are some techniques for whitening teeth, one techniques is bleaching. And two kind of Bleaching technique are:

1. Internal Teeth Whitening
Internal teeth whitening is doing by dentist, it's only for dead teeth and for teeth that has been getting endodontic treatment.

2. External Teeth Whitening
External teeth whitening technique is using mouth guard tool, we can do that alone. But now, teeth whitening products are available on market. Teeth whitening product usually has contain carbamide peroxides, carbamide peroxides are using to oxidation spain in teeth and to know the result need two weeks. You must review this technique one times in six months. External teeth whitening only works in outside teeth stratum so it wont effective.

If you want to try external teeth whitening, you must know all of risks. The matter of teeth whitening are contains hydrogen peroxide, natrium perborat, and karbamit peroxide. Research tell that karbamit peroxide can make mouth of mukosa inflamed and material of teeth whitening can make the teeth brittle. So if you want to try bleaching technique,you must go to dentist for checking and getting consultation.

Tips for getting health teeth and mouth :

1. Brush your teeth 3 times every day

2. You should to consume vegetables and fruit like apple, carrot, celery. They're can whitening your teeth naturally.

3. You should to consume broccoli, spinach and lettuce. They're good to prevent stain on your teeth.

4. If you like drink cofee, tea and soda, you should use a straw. So the water of coffee, tea, and soda don't touch you teeth.

5. Don't consume drink that contain high of soda because the research tells that soda can make your teeth porous.

6. Chew a gum that contain xylitol after eating can make keep smoot the mouth and make teeth more cleaner.


frizzy2008 said...

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Good posting sob, tapi lebih bagus lagi kalo bisa manggilin si yayangnya (GA) dari related article...Ciao kabuurrr sebelum ketangkep satpol

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